The contributors may submit original unpublished papers of 5000-10000 words length any time in a year with a declaration that it is not being considered for publication anywhere else. The contributors should strictly follow the reference style of the journal.
Each manuscript should contain:
- i. Title page with full title and a short title to be used as running head. For the purpose of blind review, the name of the author with status/affiliation and address for correspondence/phone/email should be given on a separate sheet.
- ii. A brief abstract of the paper within 150 words.
- iii. About 6-10 keywords.
- iv. End-notes should contain superscript numbers at the end of the main text and be placed before references.
Social Trends also invites brief notes on on-going research and book reviews (not exceeding 2000 words) on recently published books. Only soft copies of the articles/book reviews/ research notes should be sent to the editor by email: [email protected], [email protected]
For the sake of confidentiality authors are requested not to mention their name(s) in the main body of the text and not to leave a hint in the text that could disclose the identity of the author(s) [viz., sentence like ‘For details vide my work/ article’ must be avoided]. The first page of the article/ paper should contain only the title of the paper, an abstract (within 150 words) and a few keywords (not more than 10). A separate sheet containing the author’s details (address for communication) and a declaration that the article/paper has not been published elsewhere and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere should be attached.